Ujamaa Community
Resource Team
The Ujamaa Community Resource Team (UCRT) seeks to improve the lives of pastoralist, agro-pastoralist, and hunter-gatherer
communities in northern Tanzania by empowering them to sustainably manage and benefit from the natural resources on which
their livelihoods depend. UCRT believes that empowering these communities is a fundamental step towards a just and sustainable society. Projects focus on land rights, good governance, nature-based livelihoods, social empowerment and community natural resource management.
Read the Annual Report
Visit the Ujamaa Community Resource Team Website

UCRT Actions:
Supporting communities to secure rights to land and natural resources.
Strengthening local natural resource governance institutions that enable collective decision-making and enforcement.
Helping communities find ways to sustainably manage and benefit from their land and resources.
Empowering marginalised groups so that they can play a greater role in their communities.